Festival and Occasions

Christmas is celebrated globally on 25th December on the birth of Jesus Christ. Everyone visits the Church and prays to Lord Jesus for a happy and prosperous life. The mesmerising decoration, the carols, and the excitement of Santa arriving on the sleigh are something that makes the day special for celebration. The eve of the 24th December is also special as churches are thronged by the followers. Christmas festival is the time when family, friends and relatives are together. It is a holy festival celebrated all over the world with great pomp and show. However, 2020 is going to be different as the covid pandemic has affected the world, thus affecting our ways to celebrate festivals.

How Can You Celebrate Christmas in 2020?
Since the Covid pandemic has hit the nation with it’s drastic effects; it has led the churches to shut down in the initial months. However, in the year-end, they have come into operation with several restrictions like limited time to visit, social distancing, use of hand sanitizers, no-contact policy etc. This year, people have to celebrate the festival in their home with family and friends.
The real excitement can be seen in the children who wait for the Santa to bestow them with the gifts at the midnight. They wait eagerly to decorate their Christmas tree with sparkling lights and gifts. Find My Drona has come up with some interesting ideas to celebrate Christmas in the vicinity of your home. Be safe and enjoy the festival.

Virtual Christmas Celebration Ideas for 2020:
Here are some interesting Christmas celebration ideas with your friends and family as 2020 has imposed many restrictions.

Deck up Your Home Made Tree:
It is advised not to venture out for shoppingas the pandemic is not over yet. You can decorate your pot-plants or the plants/trees in the garden or courtyard. However, your locality comes under the green zone, you can move out for shopping by maintaining social distance. But if your area lies in the red or containment zone, it is strongly advised not to move out for shopping as you may risk your life.

Host a Virtual Party:
The year 2020 has boosted the digital world and has taught us to connect virtually. You can host a virtual party through video chat streaming platforms. Send the invitation link or go live on social media for a perfect virtual merry-making. Connect with your friends and relatives digitally to share your wishes. You can plan any fun activity to add an extra fun-loving element.

Online Karaoke:
My Space, Red Karaoke, etc are some of the digital platforms where you can host an online Karaoke party. Manage your own playlists and enjoy with your friends. If you stay in the capital city of patna and miss your hostel friends for the singing fun, you can host a karaoke party. Even the top boys’ hostels in Patna are closed these days.They will open on 4th January 2021.

Most of the students are having fun at home and spending time with their friends. They can exchange gifts, prepare cookies, play rummy and choose some group fun ideas for Christmas celebration. You can also visit the cities where clubs and parties are allowed by state regulations.

Find My Drona suggests students and their family/relatives to stay safe this holiday season. For students staying in Patna, the capital city of Bihar, can resume back to their hostel life from 4th January 2021.

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Author: Findmydrona Team